ACTC Rides Information

Tour de Franz – 3-22-2008

Tour de Franz

We had a large turn out to the Tour de Franz last year (the photo at the top of this website was taken on that ride). This year’s event will be on Saturday, March 22, to coincide when the tour founder reaches a new milestone (age wise). We will have three routes and two starting locations.

Lunch is going to be provided at the home of Franz and Ann Kelsch, in Gilroy. So please RSVP to Ann Kelsch. Check the ride schedule for information.

Take plenty of water and food. Lunch will not be for 57 miles for Route 3, 67 miles for Route 1 and 85 miles for route 2.

Route 2: Distance is 116 miles, 8,200 feet of climbing
Start: Meridan and Redmond, 7:30 for slower riders, 8:00 for faster riders
Route Sheet – 116 Miles (DOC)
Map and Profile – 116 Miles (PDF)

Route 1: Distance is 67 miles, 5,000 feet of climbing
Start: Home of Franz and Ann in Gilroy at 8:30
Route Sheet – 67 Miles (DOC)
Map and Profile for 67 Miles (PDF)

Route 3: Distance is 57 miles, 2,600 feet of climbing
Start: Home of Franz and Ann in Gilroy at 8:30
Route Sheet – 57 Miles (txt)

We should be at our house around 2:15 pm. If you are faster than that you can stop at the Starbucks in Gilroy (on the route) at Wren and First Street, because you obviously need more caffeine.


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